The Secret of Best Smoke Sauna in Finland

Easy auvo pelkkä kiuas

Easy Auvo 2.0 is a smoke sauna stove functioning automatically with pellets, it can be started with a timer, a cell phone or traditionally by pressing button. Enjoy soft smoke sauna steams without effort!

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Pellets are compressed wood and look like this.

Automation saves fuel and time and effort spent on heating. The amount of smoke can be adjusted according to preference.

And thanks to automation you don’t burn your smoke sauna!

Fire safety

In Finland smoke sauna is considered the best as a sauna. But, unfortunately, a smoke sauna is also the most difficult to be heated. Due to heater’s mistake smoke sauna can ignite very quickly. Easy Auvo 2.0 effectively prevents the fire, because the automation takes care of heating every time steady safely even when the heating would take place once a year Easy Auvo do not forget how to do it safely.

And when heated every day flue gas temperatures are even more significant fire safety issue. As the flue gas temperature remains moderate the fire risk is substantially reduced. And because the burning is clean, structures does stay also cleaner. And that also reduces risk of fire.

Saves time and money

Easy Auvo 2.0 saves, therefore, at least in two ways – first, heating needs only little work compared to the work of firewood warmed smoke sauna, and secondly – the sauna does not burn!

This smoke sauna was chosen The Best Smoke Sauna in Finland 2015

This smoke sauna was chosen The Best Smoke Sauna in Finland 2015

Inside of the Finnish Smoke Sauna - chosen the best 2015

Inside of the Finnish Smoke Sauna – chosen the best 2015

Simple automation makes it easy to use. You don’t need to go inside of the sauna during the heating process.

The fast shutdown of the heater is possible at any time during the heating.

When it’s ready you get textmessage to your mobile.


Easy Auvo 2.0 is delivered completely ready to use package, which only needs electricity.

The stove is supplied with concrete, which can be cast into the floor of the sauna, or alternatively it can be installed on top of the finished floor. Smoke sauna stove has never been so easy to install. All masonry and stone work have already been made.


Easy Auvo 2.0 always gives soft smoke sauna steams. So effortlessly that you can enjoy them every day.

Easy Auvo flyer30